Job grading is the process of using formalized systems for determining the relative value of jobs within an organization.

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Our team of reward specialists have extensive experience in some of the popular and widely used Job Evaluation Systems. We understand the entire Job Evaluation process and provide our clients with training on Job Evaluation. We also have the capacity to conduct grading/ evaluation exercises and our reward specialists also sit on Job Evaluation and Validation Committees to provide external expertise.


Job grading is the process of using formalized systems for determining the relative value of jobs within an organization. It typically involves the ranking of jobs using some or other points-factor system where the key characteristics are:

  • Objectivity
  • Defensibility
  • Validity
  • Reliability
  • Consistency
  • To determine the difference in complexity between positions/roles, using the same systematic approach across the organisation.
  • To establish a logical basis for salary benchmarking (internal and external parity).
  • To establish a logical basis for pay structuring.
  • Provides a common language and defined point of reference for negotiation and collective bargaining.
  • Assists in developing career paths through the hierarchy of jobs.
  • Assists in developing or revising organizational structures.
  • Assists with skills development within the workplace.
  • Allows a detailed analysis of wage and skills gaps.

There are numerous job grading systems. Many of them are proprietary systems that belong to consulting firms. Remuneration Consulting utilizes the Paterson grading Methodology when evaluating jobs, the grades can however be correlated back to any of the major Job grading methodologies using the Government gazetted correlation table. We have also development our own methodology aligned to Paterson, and including factors aligned to the modern world of work.

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  • When there is an appropriate change in the job/role content and its complexity or responsibility levels – not if only volume increased (more of the same tasks were added).
  • When the organization has gone through a restructuring exercise – only evaluate jobs/roles that were affected by the new structures.
  • When a historic job evaluation system has become outdated and a new or revised approach is introduced.
  • Do not evaluate merely to upgrade a job/role to pay an individual more – greater flexibility must be built into the salary structures and remuneration policy.
  • The changing nature of organizations and work requires different standards be applied to valuing jobs than in the past.
  • Focus on output from work rather than input to work.
  • Ability to handle complex and diverse nature of organizational structures – even within one company.
  • Identification of factors and factor language that transcends geographic and cultural boundaries.
  • Process for evaluating jobs must be capable of being consistently and effectively implemented in ever more decentralized environments by individuals without expertise in position. evaluation

The role of the Job Grading Committee is to grade jobs in a fair and consistent manner using the agreed job grading system that the organisation decides to use. The Job Grading Committee of the organisation normally functions in a two-tier structure, constituted as follows:

Job Evaluation Unit

This Unit is typically made up of trained job analysts. The head of HR normally decides which members is to be part of this unit and requires designating one of the members as Chairperson.

The Unit will then evaluate all positions and submit the outcome of such evaluations to the Validation Committee.

Validation Committee

All job evaluation results as evaluated by the Job Evaluation Unit will be submitted to the Validation Committee for final review and validation prior to implementation of such results.

The Validation Committee shall be appointed for a period of 2 (two) years and shall for the first 2 year period consist of any five (5) Directors. The Validation Committee shall determine its Chairmanship.

The Validation Committee will not re-evaluate positions evaluated by the Job Evaluation Committee, but will identify aspects requiring further consideration, such as internal relativities, comparisons with similar graded positions etc. The Validation Committee will determine whether the results of a given job evaluation process are to be implemented as such, or whether further consideration must be given to certain aspects of the original evaluation by the Job Evaluation Unit.

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